Bruxism refers to an oral parafunctional activity which occurs in most humans at some point in their lives. Teeth grinding and jaw clenching define this condition, which occurs during the day or night.
Bruxism is one of the most common known sleep disorders and causes most of its damage during sleeping hours. Bruxism causes clenching and grinding due to a malfunctioning chewing reflex, which normally turns off during sleep. In bruxism sufferers, deep sleep or naps activate reflex pathways as the brain’s nerve control center turns off.
Typically, the incisors and canines (front 6 upper and lower teeth) of opposing arches grind against each other laterally. This side to side action puts undue strain on the medial pterygoid muscles and the temporomandibular joints. Bruxism often causes earaches, headaches, depression, anxiety, and eating disorders, frequently linked to stress, Alzheimer’s, and alcohol abuse.
Doctors often misdiagnose or overlook bruxism since many factors can cause tooth wear. Only a trained professional can distinguish bruxism wear from damage caused by aggressive brushing, acidic drinks, or abrasive foods.
A BiteStrip® is an economical device used to diagnose bruxism at home. The device itself is a small electromyography which senses and monitors any activity in the jaw muscles during sleep. The frequency and severity of the condition can then be assessed and the best treatment plan can be formulated.
Reasons for the treatment of bruxism
Here are some of the main reasons why bruxism should be promptly treated:
- Gum recession and tooth loss – Bruxism causes gum recession and tooth loss by damaging soft tissue and loosening teeth, creating deep pockets for bacteria to destroy bone.
- Occlusal trauma – Abnormal wear on chewing surfaces can fracture teeth, often requiring restorative treatment.
- Arthritis – Severe chronic bruxism can cause painful arthritis in the temporomandibular (TMJ) joints, affecting jaw movement.
- Myofascial pain – The grinding associated with bruxism can eventually shorten and blunt the teeth. This can lead to muscle pain in the myofascial region and debilitating headaches.
Treatment options for bruxism
There is no single cure for this, though a variety of helpful devices and tools are available. Here are some common ways in which bruxism is treated:
- Mouthguards – An acrylic mouthguard can be designed from tooth impressions to minimize the abrasive action of tooth surfaces during normal sleep. Mouthguards should be worn on a long-term basis to help prevent tooth damage, damage to the temporomandibular joint and help to stabilize the occlusion.
- NTI-tss device – This device is fitted by a health professional and only covers the front teeth. The goal of the NTI-tss is to prevent the grinding of the rear molars by limiting the contraction of the temporalis muscle.
- Botox® – Botox® can be injected into the muscles to relax and weaken them. Botox® is an excellent treatment for bruxism because it weakens the muscles enough to prevent the grinding, but not enough to interfere with everyday functions like chewing and speaking.
Other methods of treatment include relaxation exercises, stress management education and biofeedback mechanisms. When the bruxing is under control, there are a variety of dental procedures such as crowns, gum grafts and crown lengthening that can restore a pleasant aesthetic appearance to the smile.
If you have questions or concerns about bruxism, schedule your appointment or visit us now.